3 out of 4 people will suffer from a low back injury in their life.
Don't let your back pain define who you are.
There are many types of lower back pain.
Generally speaking, the more you move the better. Sitting still or laying down won't be the advice you receive here at Rider Chiropractic Sports and Injury. Instead, we will work to:
Lumbar Disc Herniation/Bulge
Lumbar Sprain/Strain
Lumbar Facet Injury/Pathology
Lumbar Stenosis
Lumbar Instability
Low Back Disorders
Acute Low Back Pain or Chronic Low Back Pain.
Often times back pain can slowly creep in and other times a sudden movement has us saying "uh oh."
- The American College of Physicians supports chiropractic care for low back pain.
- Both Harvard Health and The Mayo Clinic have reported studies highlighting chiropractic and movement-based treatment options for low back pain relief.
Let Dr. Rider help you get back to moving and feeling great again. Waiting on the pain to go away is exhausting and it doesn't have to be that way!
Learning Why You Are In Pain
Helping you to a faster and stronger recovery.
Motion is Lotion
The more you move "generally speaking" the better. Sitting or Laying will no be the advice you recieve here at Rider Chiropractic Sports and Injury.
- Identify the pain
- Avoid more pain through proper biomechanics
- Decrease the pain and inflammation
- Teach repetitive positional exercises for home care
- Create a strength program to avoid further injuring lower back
- Avoid Pain through proper biomechanics
Neuromuscular Training
Perceived threat to the injured area.
When it comes to the lower back, we cannot forget about the nervous system. The nervous system's job is to help protect injured areas by discouraging you from utilizing them; we need to re-train that.
- It is important to retrain simple movements and eliminate the threat.
- Dr. Rider first learned this by working with high end athletes.
- If we consistently tell ourselves that we are in pain and cannot perform a specific movement, it will consistently hurt.
- If we can demonstrate to the brain that we are in control of the movement, the system will down regulate.
We have to treat the body as a whole. He who treats the site of pain is a fool.
Proper Education Will Keep You Enjoying Your Life
Dr. Rider provides every patient with the necessary tools and education to get back to doing what they love.