Intermittent loading- The goal of intermittent loading is change type 3 collagen (scar tissue), to type 1 (90% of the bodies collagen). Avoid collagen supplements with greater than 3 types of collagen as they are often watered down Creep Loading- a reversible clinical phenomenon that causes contractile tissues in ligaments to shorten and stay shortened until unloading. Unloading is taking the tissues in the opposite direction of the ‘creep’ loaded structures and allowing those tissues to lengthen. This happens when we are in sustained postures that causes the supporting musculature (active support) to fatigue out and rely on ligaments (passive support).
We spend nearly 5 hours a day in sustained end range flexion (sitting, bending over to tie shoes, loading the dishwasher etc…) we spend less than 30 minutes in end range extension (leaning backwards). An individual with low back pain likely spends close to 0 minutes in, end range extension, which greatly impacts the joint causing decreased mobility due to creep loading.
What does this mean?
In order for joints to withstand normal load, the joint needs to be able to operate in full range of motion to properly distribute force all while maintaining integrity of the ligaments and muscles used to do so. We need to continually teach our joints their full range of motion, if we do the same things day in and day out, the joint will never reach its full active range of motion, therefore, damaging tissue occurs which ultimately signals dysfunction.